Archive for March 2019
An Introduction to Musculoskeletal Medicine
Understanding your body to understand your pain
No matter how far science has come, we are still only at the precipice of our understanding of pain. Even with a proper diagnosis, the best known treatment may not work for everyone. What’s worse is that many people will never get a proper diagnosis before starting on a, “magic bullet,” treatment plan that they found on the internet. Because pain is often intangible, a vacuum has opened in which a host of unqualified “health writers” and less-than-ethical doctors will offer you anything to drive business.
We believe that anyone already suffering from chronic pain should not suffer further by wasting time, energy and money on treatments that promise everything and deliver nothing. At OFW Chiropractic, we believe that understanding the musculoskeletal form of a human is the best way to understand and treat that human’s chronically recurring pain.
Filtering Stress: In With the Good While Keeping Out the Bad
Stress is necessary to live
But the energy-endowing, problem-solving, survival instinct elements of stress have a dark side; they can take more than they give. You’ve heard people say life is all about balance; we would argue that managing good and bad stress, and how much of it is present in your daily life is a life-defining type of balance. Some studies suggest that there is a perfect amount of stress, but few of us know how to find or maintain it.
How to Avoid the Dreaded Back Spasm
The dreaded back spasm
Many adults are familiar with the sudden, involuntary tightening of a muscle, the literal spasm of pain, the uncontrollable tightening and the restricted range of motion which immediately follows. Does this sound like an accurate description of a muscle spasm? Now imagine, it happens regularly and you have a recipe for something that damages your quality of life.