End of Summer Wellness Checklist
As summer comes to a close, it’s important to take stock of how you’re doing and whether or not you’re adhering to your wellness plan for 2019. Below, O’Connor Family Wellness Chiropractic provides a checklist in order for you to see how you’ve stacked up to your summer wellness goals.
1.) How Active Were You?
Did you take part in a 5k, a 10k, or even a half or full marathon? Did you get a predetermined amount of miles in swimming over the summer? Hopefully, you also challenged yourself to do something new, like rock climbing.
2.) Where Did You Fall Short?
None of us are perfect, so, naturally, we likely fell short in one or more areas of our wellness plan. Diet is a common area where many of us slack off in and fail to hold ourselves accountable for, for instance.
3.) What Improvements Do You Plan to Make?
As the summer comes to a close, it’s important to regroup and maintain motivation and discipline to finish out 2019 strong. Contact O’Connor Family Wellness Chiropractic to learn how chiropractic adjustments can help you achieve your wellness goals.