How to Turn Yoga into a Daily Practice
Incorporating yoga into a busy daily routine can be no easy task. Those of us who work 40+ hour weeks and spend a significant amount of time in traffic, it can seem impossible.
Below O’Connor Family Wellness Chiropractic goes over a few easy ways to make yoga a part of any daily routine.
Get Yoga in at Work
Although high-level companies have been incorporating team stretch routines for decades, some even having yoga rooms in-house, you can still get your yoga in on your own at work. If you work at a desk you can research a few yoga poses that are work-suitable. Your cohorts might even start to join you.
Do Yoga at Home
Set aside a small corner of your home where you can do your daily practice, even if it’s only for 10 minutes a day. Your body will give you a huge thanks among many other health benefits.
Spring for Yoga Classes
Yoga classes will plug you into a community of like-minded people, not to mention help you sharpen your yoga skills, making you more effective when you yoga alone.
Chiropractic care is also a wellness-boosting practice that can be added to any routine for multiple health benefits. Contact O’Connor Family Wellness Chiropractic to schedule your one-on-one consultation today.